Kenzee Cares Inc.
Bless A Meal Program
The purpose of our Bless A Meal program is to bring families to the dinner table with a home cooked meal, and the hope that everyone’s phone is down and talking about their day. That was Kenzee’s favorite time of the day. Eating good food while having great converstions with the one’s she loved. MKC Kitchen is a licensed professional kitchen and provdies the meals to this program through product sales, fundraisers and your support. If you want to sponsor and bless a meal to someone, send us their info through our contact page and we will add them to our fast growing list. Kenzee Cares also provides an annual Bless A Meal with a homemade Thankgiving feast to locals and our community on Thanksgiving. That was Kenzee’s favorite holiday and she loved how good food brought people together.
If you would like to support our cause and care like Kenzee did, you can donate on here through paypal or send a check directly to at 14500 EE RD, Bazine KS 67516. Through your support, we hope Kenzee Cares will continue to grow our food programs and sperad our message further on the dangers of driving distracted.